Saturday, October 01, 2005


Greetings and Hallucinations to All~

Had a hell of a day yesterday. One day off, fill it with living. A trip to B/N didn't gleen anything, but I'm broke anyway. It was an hour or so of distracting amusement, with Winter and I checking out the Playgan section and finding some decent Pagan books and some old reprints. So much of modern Paganism isn't history, research, interesting tidbits from the past, or anything of the sort. It's all about "How to Turn Your Boyfriend Into a Toad." WTF fun is there in that? If he's so reprehensible, it sounds like you've managed to turn him into one in the course of your lovefest and the thing would be to get away from him. Now. shouldn't take the God/dess to pound this into your head.

Dinner at a great little local restaurant. We started with a 'reservation for ten' and it became sixteen in no time. For the first time in oh, years...I almost stood up and hit another human being. Spike M. was showing his absolute dickheadedness being all whiny pissy about there being 'a crowd' and he tossed something at me, hitting me in the face/mouth. Well, I was the resident matriarch at a table of Gamers, many of whom actually did some military time or are trained in martial arts.

Important safety tip for people at a restaurant where the staff loves you so much they've kept the place open late at night for a b'day party for your kid and gave you all this free food...When you encounter the some respect.

I managed, when I realized I was on my feet (oh yeah) reaching for a heavy casserole dish with one hand and a knife with the other, I was going to jail and this sonofashit wasn't worth it. I even managed to pass my anger off as some near food-fight humor, but no one fully believed it but some didn't see exactly what happened.

So, we get to the movie theatre, the guys (some 16-20) had saved me center seat in a crowded theatre cause word is, that's my seat. I graciously accepted, sent hugs and loves out to everyone, and got all comfy. Now, one of the males asked what happened...and I told them. Oh shit, oh hell...two stood up and two more were going ofter Spike M. who had also come to the movie but was sitting up and away from me. I had already gotten promises from Winter and his big, Marine-ish buddy that they'd be cool til after the movie.

After getting my son's and my own bands of merry space pirates under chill, the movie was fantastic and great fun. I had only recently been turned onto "Firefly" and think its a GD shame it was cancelled, but I will see this one again when I'm off from work next week. Oh my delish space pirate fantasies (fueled by "The Privateers") are back in wild order fighting it out w/ my Kirill ones. Laughs. Sicko, I know.

And...then the Doom trailer! OMG...licks movie screen! Karl looked great and there were more shots I'd not seen. If you're a Sci-Fi, Action or Karl/Rock fan, oh get your ass in gear to get tickets. I think I'll try to be at the 1pm show unless I've stupidly scheduled myself to work...I don't think so, tho. Newp! Karl, I shall be present and center...

So, I work the next few days and pray I can sleep. I'm having a few probs there, but hanging on. I'll see what happens.

Holding hopeful over $.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have a wonderful evening! LOL

I know what you mean about the modern glut of "Wiccan" books. All I can do is pick ones that aren't TOO full of crap and sift away.

Having better luck hitting the half-price and used bookstores.

Hope work goes well for you!!! said...

Tavan and his brigands...

Oh, she is TRULY the dearest of shipmates.
