I'm researching and still firm on the Space Opera idea. I would groove to the spy thing too, but I'd be so drooly over a potential Kirill type, I'd get nothing but sex written. Tatiana having sex. More sex. Sex again. Sex w/pain. Sex w/pleasure...see? Perv.
Tomorrow will be spent on either shopping for various things with Crafties and Xmass/Yulies and Business in mind or hanging w/Adrian and living like a rock star for a few hours over the afternoon. Adrian is taking a young disadvantaged woman who is trying to elevate herself from existing amongst "thugs" to a place where she feels good about herself and not seeing herself as some guy's "cracker 'ho". He's going to take her to Godiva and give his new friend a huge chocolate dipped strawberry for not decking a worthless Hilton co-worker who was assaulting her. The jerk employee got fired (thank all the Gods).
Saturday, I play Seventh Sea...A Daughter of Sophia.
In the midst, I'm backstorying for my NaNoWriMo 50K sprint in November. Music being established.

Damn blogger spam! LOL
Here's a REAL comment. ::Grin::
Tried catching you online, but you logged off right (like 5 minutes) before I got done talking with Kimberly. Damn the luck!
Anyway, write write write! Break for chocolate and write some more. You are a damn good writer, pervy or no. Remember Pervy Elves rule!
Blogger spam sucks. Sorry I missed you...
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