Saturday, March 19, 2005

Disappointments from Information Services

Information Services at work has blocked all Proboard sites and all forums. IMing and such was already blocked. Darn! I can't even get to work-related forums. Sometimes I wonder at the genius of the Machine.

I managed to sleep something like 15 out of the last 24 hours. I kept falling asleep wondering what was wrong with me when it dawned on me it was the meds I was on most likely. I have one I take weekly that completely takes me down to zero energy and it looks like I'll have to plan on the taking when I don't want to do anything at all...except for sleep. I couldn't even keep my eyes open to stay on my computer. That's bad....

Work is going well so far and I'm working on keeping this job if the salary is right. I like doing it as a relief person (and the pay is quite tasty), and I think I'd do well as a regular staff member.

The small staff present actually schedules themselves 5 days off in a row twice each 6 weeks. That is a bonus in and of itself.

I have no good poetry to type in, no creative thoughts and little by way of juicy links.

Perhaps tomorrow...

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