Tuesday, December 20, 2005

karl urban lustings

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I forget who gave me this pic, but the chick who does these is AWESOME. She has the bestest grabs and such online. Mwah!

www.elessarsrealm.com had a great link to a karl urban site i joined but they inactivated me after a week since I didn't post. WTF? That blows my mind. I work, for christsakes. Some humans hold down real jobs and are off line for ohh god...like hours at a time.


I'm in a foul mood over other shit. A GF's brother should not be making whiney half-assed veiled threats on one's cell phone when he's clueless as to the real world for the most part. The FBI takes offense.

So, I don't want to work, I want to be rich, and I'm a Disgruntled Malcontent.

Well, I'm going to lie back down, dream some more of my Regency Karl dream and hope for some napping time. I know work's gonna call and I need to hit a craft store for art supplies.

Browncoats Forever!


Anonymous said...

Hey...that kinda looks like the bay window that looks into your back yard.

Hmmmm...if you had him there, why wasn't he NEKKID?


Anonymous said...

*Snuggles and hugs and loves*

Whiney assed brothers....Evil and must be destroyed!

