Nausea...treatment, sleep and Phenergan. Shitfuckdamn. I hate this. Will it ever be 'right'?
Watched a few hours of "Firefly" episodes in the background and wrote part of a bar scene that might open the book or hit within just a bit of the beginning of the book.
I went to Office Max and had three notebooks made with spiral bindings...two of two hundred pages and one of one hundred. Gorgeous speckly paper! Far far cheaper than buying notebooks. I also found a Waterman pen that Shelle might get for b'day gifty. Gorgeous!
Well, I'm off to bed soon. Tomorrow comes and I hope to get some writing done. DL'ing gag reel right now and have to leave puter on...hope its safe.
Sorry you're feeling bad. Maybe Something (or Someone) doesn't want you to finish the Space Opera? Heinlein's World-as-Myth theory hasn't been disproven, after all...
Heinlein's World-as-Myth theory is REAL, REAL i tell you!
"Eomer is MINE"
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