Sunday, January 08, 2006

The Business

“The Business!”

Can’t stop the signal…Gods, I love “Serenity”! I have a business license that has been flickering since 1989 and hasn’t jelled yet, but will so very soon. We’re checking out some new wholesale folks and re-establishing old business relationships. The focus of the business will still be New Age products still, but we’ll also have a Renaissance side.

Years ago, I had a business at the local huge flea market, and we made about $500 net a weekend in a time when I was making only $15 an hour as a nurse. Do the math…after my monstrous taxes, I was making more on the business working two days a week! Stupidity and yet another glitch in my ex-relationship led to me closing the shop. Foolish, foolish me. One of my old customers still runs a business there, doing what I used to, and she supports herself on it.

Had I looked closely or followed the signs in tarot readings and my astrology chart, I’d be in a storefront now and not standing on my feet hauling around 250 lb. men for 12 hours straight at night as a nurse.

I’m a dork.

Anyway, off to Wally World to see about fierce yarns and candy, maybe…Will write more later. Keep in mind that soon, perhaps by tomorrow, I’ll have a domain name chosen!

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