Sunday, April 10, 2011

Art Stuff and Crochet Possibility

Found a great little pattern through Ravelry for a shell patterned bag. I bought 2 lbs of 100% cotton mill ends for $9 today - a lovely teal, brown, verigated-ish yarn. The yarn was on sale for 2 for $9. I probably should've bought 4 skeins yesterday, but that was yesterday. The binomial decision maker didn't give me the heads up yesterday and I walked away. After pondering some bags, I managed to get it with Holly's help.

Art supplies...I had a 40% off coupon from AC Moore and almost bought an $18.99 set of Sharpie poster pens, but instead reigned in my need and settled for a couple of inexpensive, 100-lb bristal pads for $3/each after their in-store 40% off. I found a brayer and used my 40% off on that and whoot...came home with little money spent, but with a nice haul purchased. Toss in a bone folder, a key woobie, two Dover books - both Faeries (one stained glass coloring book and the other a faerie fashion book) for $1.91 each instead of the $6.99 Dover charges....and I'm pretty happy.

Altered Art and Crochet...I'm down to that for hobbies at the moment. Writing is a part of life, so I don't count it as a hobby, but more of a sanity shield.

Enjoy the pattern.

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